Question1. Are you satisfied with your progress on this project? If so, what do you contribute your progess to and how do you plan on continuing to keep the momentum? If not, what hurdles got in the way and what strategies do you plan on implementing in the future to ensure that you continue to successfully move forward?
I am finding my research paper efforts have caused my only major dissatisfaction with my progress thus far. My lowest scores are there and I think I will need to spend some time gaining more feedback from my more research savvy peers.
I will say that I am now starting to buy into the idea that I really am right where we are supposed to be with CBR and I not just floating. Also, my love for creative collaboration has always been tempered with a strong paranoia with group work is concerned due to the high price involved with everyone not participation. To combat that and ensure my contribution to the team are solid, I make sure that my team hear from me on what we need to be doing on a very regular basis, so that I am doing my share to ensure we are productive.
Question 2. Based on the list of possible hurdles that you provided in your first Blog, describe the strategies that you and your team discussed for possible solutions and if applicable what you have encountered/implemented to trouble shoot so far.
Centralizing the contact for the team has been a great idea and a challenging one. We know where to get our info but it really doesn’t seem to increase our feedback, just “centralize it” The good thing is that it does not seem to be a lack of effort per se’ just a product of the challenges associated with being a full time student with a full time life. To compensate, I have adjusted my role in the team thus far by taking it upon myself to be the “broken record that reminds us all what we should be working on, contributing to, giving feedback on etc. I also feel that I stay in the loop more effectively when I am involved in live meetings and Wimba casts as opposed to archives. This way can get my question answered right then and there.
My career transition has shrunk become a minor situation for the moment, but I am finding that the most demanding parts of my life are fighting for my attention at the same time now. Honestly it seems that this degree is much more challenging for me than I thought, but, I know volumes more now than I did 2 months ago, so it is a challenge I am grateful for.
I am not sure that I my creative block mentioned in my last blog entry has lifted, but I don’t feel like I am clueless anymore…just finding myself reverting back to the high school rule of thumb…ask, ask and ask again until you are clear about what is expected.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

1 Comment
Hi JC3,I have to agree with you that this degree is more challenging for me to get than I thought too. Life happens and keeps happening in such life-changing almost all negative ways for me lately that it hurts my productivity in the classes. Nonetheless, I am benefiting from the classes since I am using it as my customized professional development. Also, I get the technology I so crave that was lost when my whole classroom of Macs was stolen. Trying to do this accelerated is hampered from that trauma and the lack of technology still in the classroom I am in even though it should have lots of technology even if it is adaptive/assistive since it is special education.I am loving Full Sail in spite of the hurdles since this is the type of degree and expression during study and production of products that I needed when I first began doctorate study. My only dislike of the program is it is not a doctorate program even though we do what is required of a doctorate program in publishing and APA requirements but we also have the media, elements, the online presence and back-ups. It is like you said, ‘having a full-time life on a full-time’ accelerated program is rough.
Like you, I know a lot more about Mac applications now but much is so similar in other platforms and applications that I wish both could always be accepted or merged in all classes like it was for TMD since my tech problems, crashes, etc. are on my Mac that was school issued. Multiple Intelligence was a good start because you could ask for permission but having permission was best from the onset for me.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 – 07:08 PM
