I got an email from Classroom 2.o about how Elluminate and Wimba are one in the same now. Since they had a session in “Wimba 2.0” I went in to peek. I took a couple of screen shots of the interface to show you what I saw in the event that we end up upgrading any time soon.
The usual features we have been using are still there: the raised hand, yes check No X , text window and the talk button…….it was disabled though….probably because no one was in the room moderating…though the meeting was supposed to be at 9. (it could be I was in the wrong room…I have done this before)
I don’t know if this is standard for all user or of the moderator, but I saw some things that were either new or had not been used before:
1. a file transfer window. To upload files to the group or moderator…. not sure.
2. A note page to take notes on the lecture on the interface
3. A function to print the participants list or the whiteboard…. since we all have print to PDF, this would be very useful.
4. A save function for the Chat conversation, participants’ list or whiteboard.
5. The away button is a lot easier to see (as door with arrow on it when you leave chat)
I am sure I am missing something, but the Wimba learning curve lent itself well to familiarizing myself with Elluminate…Looks like it may be way cool.
Since I am already using Wimba and a member of Classroom 2.0 I guess I not breaking any laws sharing this with you all…….its all web20. Anyway right?
More Info: http://www.elluminate.com/